2022-2025 Strategic Plan
We are happy to share Hands’ new Strategic Plan with you.
Read the full Strategic Plan 2022-2025.

Strategic Pillars
Our Clients and Communities
Keeping our clients and communities at the core of all we do
We are committed to ensuring that the services we provide meet
the evolving needs of our clients and communities. To accomplish
this, we invite diverse community voices to inform our planning and
service delivery, ensuring there are no barriers to care. We strive
to support and engage our clients throughout their service journey
to achieve meaningful results.
Our People
Supporting our people to be their best
Our people are our most valuable asset. We are committed
to creating a work environment where our people are valued,
engaged and supported to excel in their roles. We believe
that supporting our people to be their best translates into
positive experiences in the lives of the individuals, families and
communities we serve.
Our Agency
Building solid foundations for excellence
We believe that when our agency foundational structures and systems
work effectively, we create better days for our people, our clients and
our communities. We are committed to equitable practices within the
agency and in our service to our clients and our communities. To achieve
excellence and maintain the highest standards of service and care, we
are dedicated to continuous quality improvement in all that we do.
Our Partners
Collaborating for purposeful change
We are committed to building and maintaining quality partnerships
across our diverse communities to meet the needs of our current and
future clients. We believe that when our partnerships and actions are
aligned across our communities, we can create a continuum of care
and services that best meet the needs of the clients we collectively
serve. We are committed to collaboration with our partners to
advocate for system and provincial policy improvements.