24/7 Crisis Line:
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Posted 01.09.25 in Child and Youth Mental HealthBack
3 times per year
fall, winter, spring
Location VirtualAges 10-13

This group is intended for youth with mild to moderate anxiety (no formal diagnosis of anxiety is needed). It will provide an introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Theory (CBT) (how our thoughts, feelings, and actions are interconnected). Youth will practice naming feelings, thoughts, body cues, thinking traps, and Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs). They will explore strategies for relaxation and coping to help overcome fears and increase confidence in managing anxiety. Family caregivers attend pre-and-post group interviews, a joint session, and are asked to help their youth complete home practice between each session.


  • Six weekly 1-hour sessions
  • Maximum 10 participants

Offered 3 times per year (fall, winter, spring)

How do I Get Started?

Most groups are available after you have attended an in-person or on-line Counselling Clinic appointment where you connect with a therapist who will listen to your concerns and help you choose the most suitable group. Some groups are available via direct sign-up.

Our team is ready to help. Contact us at 1-800-668-8555 or [email protected].