Back to school this year will be a time like no other. To help prepare your child for returning to school, start planning early. Hands Autism and Behavioural Services Team is here to help. We are sharing tips you can start implementing now so you’re family is ready for September.
Back to School Tips
- Create a first day of school countdown to help prepare for the transition. Need additional support for back to school? Virtual Consults are available to clients and their families who are registered with the Ontario Autism Program.
- Create a morning visual schedule so your child knows what they need to do on the first day of school.
- Read social stories about back to school or riding the school bus. Here’s an example to get you started.
- Start getting back into a regular school time sleep schedule a couple weeks before school. Set a bedtime and wake-up time and start following that schedule.
- Start structuring your day similar to a school day and follow a visual schedule (ie. Nutritional breaks, recess/outdoors time, learning and play times)
- Connect with the school and teacher to discuss your child’s needs. Ask about setting up a meeting so your child can meet their new teacher and become familiar with their new classroom.
- Have your child help you make a one-page profile for their new teacher. Use the opportunity to talk to them about what they are excited for and what they’re nervous about. Validate and support them through those feelings. Here’s an example.
Need additional support?
Virtual Consults are available to clients and their families who are registered with the Ontario Autism Program.