24/7 Crisis Line:
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Posted 09.21.23 in Adult ServicesBack
Date Tuesdays 1-2 pm and
Thursdays 2-3 pm
Location OnlineType Drop-In
Ages 18+ and eligible for adult developmental services

This group is designed to help you develop your social communication skills in a fun and engaging environment.  Each session introduces a game or activity that allows participants to practice conversations, turn taking, asking questions, and self-advocacy strategies.  Group members may also help to lead activities with the facilitator.

Learning Goals: 

  • To develop social information sharing abilities
  • To develop communication self-advocacy
  • To practice conversational skills with a group of peers


  • This group meets weekly.  Please choose only one day per week to join.

Duration: 1 hour

Register Now: Register for any of our North Region Clinical Groups online.