24/7 Crisis Line:
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Posted 01.19.21 in NewsBack

January 2021: Hands is open with protections in place to continue helping clients and families during Ontario’s state of emergency and the ongoing pandemic.

As an essential service, Hands is able to continue helping clients and families during this difficult time. Our services are operating. Our doors are open and we have taken steps to help keep everyone safe.

Virtual Service
Hands continues to promote virtual service wherever possible. This fully respects Ontario’s stay-at-home order and provides the safest way to offer important and much-needed services while protecting employees, clients, families and communities.

Hands Child and Youth Mental Health online counselling clinics are available Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 AM to 7 PM (last booked appointment at 5:30 PM). You can book an appointment by calling 1-800-668-8555 where, once you are registered, you will receive instructions to connect with a Child and Family Therapist online.

The Child and Youth Mental Health Crisis Line is always open at 1-844-287-9072.

In-Person Service Available
Hands continues to safely provide in-person service when virtual service is difficult or impossible. Employees who are meeting with clients and families for in-person visits are trained in Infection Prevention and Control practices. We have modified our sites to support Infection Prevention and Control. We have Personal Protective Equipment available when and where it is needed.

Hands employees continue to show amazing dedication and commitment to help our clients and families when they need us most.