24/7 Crisis Line:
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Posted 04.22.21 in NewsBack

Hands is here for you

Hands services are available, our doors are open and we have important protections in place to keep everyone — clients, families, and employees — safe.

The health and safety of our clients, families, employees, and communities remains our priority.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Hands has been there to offer help for our clients and families.  We are proud to be an essential service and we are here to help during Ontario’s current state of emergency and stay at home order.

Virtual Service

Hands continues to offer virtual service wherever possible. This fully respects Ontario’s stay-at-home order and provides the safest way to offer important and much-needed services while protecting employees, clients, families and communities.


In-Person Service Available

Hands can continue safely offering in-person service at times when virtual service is difficult or impossible.  Employees who are meeting with clients and families are fully trained in Infection Prevention and Control practices. We have modified our sites to support Infection Prevention and Control and we have Personal Protective Equipment available when it is needed.


Autism Services – Needs Based Hybrid

Autism Services at Hands consider the needs of each family and each specialized program on an individual basis. Based on client and family need, they offer in-person service with protections in place, as well as virtual service and a combination of virtual and in-person service as needed.


Mental Health Supports

The pandemic and the public health measures to reduce its spread has had a serious impact on mental health. A recent report by Children’s Mental Health Ontario shows that nearly two-thirds of youth confirm their mental health has gotten worse since the beginning of the pandemic, and those who were already receiving help are showing increased complexity in their needs, making them even more vulnerable.

Hands Child and Youth Mental Health online counselling clinics are available Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM (last booked appointment at 5:30 PM). You can book an appointment by calling 1-800-668-8555 where, once you are registered, you will receive instructions to connect with a Child and Family Therapist online.

The Child and Youth Mental Health Crisis Line is always open at 1-844-287-9072.

Hands employees continue to show amazing dedication and commitment to help our clients and families when they need us most.