24/7 Crisis Line:
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Posted 09.28.21 in NewsBack

COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and Procedure

Hands is committed to providing a safe place for our clients, employees, volunteers and other visitors. To help keep everyone safe, we have a new COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and Procedure as an added measure of protection against COVID-19.

Under the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and Procedure, all Hands employees, volunteers, students on placement and contractors are required to be fully vaccinated or regularly tested for COVID-19.

Hands will continue to help all clients, vaccinated and unvaccinated. We understand the importance of our essential services during these challenging times and are here to help clients and families.

Read our COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and Procedure in French.

Virtual Service

Hands continues to offer virtual service where possible. This is the safest way to offer important services while protecting our clients, families, employees and communities.

In-Person Service Available

Hands also offers in-person service when needed. Clinicians and employees who are meeting with clients and families are well-trained in Infection Prevention and Control practices to help keep everyone safe. Our sites have been modified to support Infection Prevention and Control and we have Personal Protective Equipment, like masks and gowns available when and where needed.

We are here for you.

Hands is committed to helping our clients and their families throughout the pandemic. If you have questions, please contact us.

If you need help right away, the 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line can be reached at 1-844-287-9072.