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Posted 01.14.19 in NewsBack

How to Access Child and Youth Mental Health Services

Hands CYMH services now offers bookings for online counselling clinics online Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 AM to 7 PM (last booked appointment at 5:30 PM). You can book an appointment by calling 1-800-668-8555 where, once you are registered, you will receive instructions to connect with a Child and Family Therapist online.

When to book a online Counselling Clinic

Book an Online Counselling Clinic for: a mental health check-up; to seek additional mental health services while waiting; or, if you or your family is in an urgent situation. Walk-In Clinics also help you navigate the child and youth mental health system and link you with others you may want on your health team. Services are confidential.

Hands TheFamilyHelpNetwork.ca • Lead Agency for Child and Youth Mental Health Services and Planning