24/7 Crisis Line:
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Posted 09.08.23 in Adult ServicesBack
Date Tuesdays, March 4-April 8
Time 10:30 am
Location OnlineType Group Learning
Ages 18+ and eligible for adult developmental services

Topics include: how to introduce yourself, meeting new people, dating and communication, components of healthy relationships, problem solving in relationships, and relationship/parenting choices.

Learning Goals: 

  • To understand building intimacy and different types of relationships
  • To understand how to build positive healthy relationships
  • To be aware of choices in planned parenthood


This group meets weekly for a total of 5 sessions. Participation in all sessions is important to achieve the learning goals.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Register Now: Register for any of our North Region Clinical Groups online.

Sign up for our mailing list to stay updated on service offerings and registration dates: https://mailchi.mp/handstfhn/adult-clinical-services-email-communications-sign-up