Our Adult Services
Welcome to Hands Adult Services. We are happy you’re here. We have lots of programs that can support you on your journey. The list below has more information about our services.
Developmental Services Ontario – North East Region
Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) is the single point of access for all Ministry funded adult services. DSO helps adults with developmental disabilities connect to services and supports in their communities.
Adult Clinical Services
Our Clinical Services team can help you along any point in your journey. We help adults with a developmental disability by identifying your needs and helping you to meet your goals.
Justice Services
Justice Services will support you if you have been charged with a criminal offence. We also offer specialized services for adults with a developmental disability.
Service Coordination
We help adults who have a developmental disability and complex care needs connect to specialized services. These services help you coordinate all the support you might need by working together with our community partners.
Passport Program
The Passport Program provides funding to adults with a developmental disability to help them be involved in their communities. Funding may also support caregiver respite opportunities.