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Posted 03.20.23 in NewsBack

Is my teen showing warning signs for addiction? Is it okay for my child to play video games this much? How do I know if there is a problem?  How can I talk to my kids about addiction?

These are all common questions and concerns for parents.  Help is on the way with a free webinar for parents to better understand addiction in children and youth offered by Hands theFamilyHelpNetwork.ca in partnership with Parents for Children’s Mental Health.

The webinar, Understanding Addictions,  takes place on March 22, 2023, from 6 – 7 p.m. Parents can register online here.

Expert speakers will help define what addiction can look like: from drugs and alcohol, to video games, TV, vaping and smoking. They will also review warning signs for parents to be aware of and to keep an eye on.  The webinar will also provide some helpful tips for talking to children and teens about addiction and valuable resources for parents on the next steps to take if they believe their child or youth may be experiencing addiction issues.

All registered participants will receive a copy of the slides after the presentation.

“Addiction impacts many families and we know it can be difficult for parents and caregivers to know what might be normal behaviour for their kids and teens, and when it might be more risky or problematic,” said Denise Almeida, Family Service Coordinator at Hands and the webinar organizer. “It’s confusing because many people use substances or play video games and don’t necessarily face addictions, but for some individuals it can become a real monster, and it isn’t always easy to have tough conversations with kids and especially teens.  Our goal is to help parents identify risks, help them to talk about it, and make sure they know where to get help when they need it.”

The next webinar offered by Hands and Parents for Children’s Mental Health will focus on Internet Safety. It will be offered in partnership with North Bay Police Services. It takes place on April 19, from 6 – 7 p.m. More information will be available soon.